If you’re thinking that you’re doing well because you do squats at the gym, well…good… but that’s not what I mean. The article below is a great read on how many of us have lost the ability to squat because we just never do it. I mean the deep butt-almost-to-the ground kind of squat. In eastern cultures they have toilets that require you to squat over top of them, or they sit on their heels to eat. We literally never do that here, unless we make a point to do so.
Joints actually like compression, as it helps to lubricate and nourish them. Squatting squishes the fluid that surrounds the knee, hip and ankle joints around, and the cartilage at these joints like that. Also when doing a full squat, the pubic bone and tailbone move away from each other, allowing the pelvic floor muscles to have a bit of a stretch. All good things.
Squatting should not be painful, nor should you feel unbalanced. If you’re finding the thought of a full squat daunting, get some strategies on how to properly and safely do this movement from your physiotherapist.
Check out the super-interesting article from www.quartzy.qz.com