Research has shown that people suffering from lower back pain should focus on just two things: keep moving, and be careful with sitting posture and avoid slouching. There has been more recent research studying if specific directional exercises are more valuable to get rid of pain, or if general stretching and strengthening around the spine is more effective.
A directional preference is described as when repeated lower back movements in one specific direction (eg. arching the back) demonstrates quick improvements in pain and range of motion that remain better as a result. This phenomenon doesn’t always happen, but when people’s back pain responds so nicely to repeated movements into one direction, they often progress faster than those who do not demonstrate any directional preference. Long et al (2004) developed a brilliant study where they identified those people who showed a directional preference to a lower back movement, and asked would happen if the person did not continue with exercise in their direction of preference?
Three hundred twelve people with lower back pain had an assessment to determine who demonstrated a directional preference with lower back movements. Those who did (n=230) were placed into one of three directional subgroups: flexion (rounding), extension (arching) or lateral (sideways) preference. Each subgroup was then randomized into a matched (n=80), opposite (n=70), or non-directional exercise program (n=80). All 3 groups were given education on posture and keeping active as able. For example, if one person showed a directional preference for lumbar extension (arching back) during their assessment, they were then randomly allocated to continue with exercises into lumbar extension (matched preference), or lumbar flexion exercises (opposite), or a third control group of generalized strengthening and stretching exercises of the lower back, hips and thighs (commonly prescribed multi-directional mid-range exercises).
After two weeks, 95% of the people doing the exercises in their preferred matched direction were improved or completely better and no one was worse. Yes, you read that right—95%!!!
This was over four times better than the group performing the opposite movement to their direction of preference (23% better or resolved and 15% reported being worse). The control general exercise group had 45% report they were improved and 15% were worse, but interestingly, 55% of these control group did not feel they were improved despite performing commonly prescribed exercises and general movement. This study strongly demonstrates how individualized directional exercises can be very powerful to improve or resolve back pain quickly. One does not have to suffer for weeks or longer to help the source of the problem. A proper mechanical assessment can determine the proper course of action to help get better, faster… and stay that way!
Long, A. et al.. Does it matter which exercise? A randomized control trial of exercise for low back pain.2004, Spine 29(23): 2593-2602