4 Reasons to Try Yoga When You Are Recovering From Pain

Elevation Physiotherapy & Wellness :: Four Reasons to Try Yoga When You Are Recovering from Pain

As a Physiotherapist, I see people who have pain.  Together we work on strategies to help that pain and get to the root of the problem, and often for a period of time I will ask people to limit certain activities, but the big picture is to get someone back to full function and have no limitations.  Once people are on the road to recovery, then often yoga can be beneficial as part of the solution! Here are 4 reasons to start yoga when you’re recovering from an injury:


  1. Here’s the thing: all yoga is not the same.  It is important to look at your specific movement and breathing patterns, and develop a yoga series that is unique and helpful for you and your pain.  Start small and slowly by focusing on one joint and one movement at a time, as that is easier for the nervous system to learn and progress occurs more quickly. As you progress, you may increase the number of joints involved, number of reps and speed. You may also transition from sitting or lying down movements to more standing movements to build stability and strength.
  2. There is a sense of safety: When the nervous system is responding to stress, your breath can be shallow, muscles tighten, the digestive system and sleep get thrown off. Pain and anxiety can exacerbate the stress response. Yoga can help to down-train the nervous system and encourage further healing of the issue with breath, movement and calm.
  3. It helps you listen to your body. As you get to know the cues your body is giving you, you can learn a better connection with your body and can help take control of your own self-care.
  4. Any movement is therapy when done with ease. Yoga can help you become more aware of how you move. You can work on easy vs. tight breathing, and ease of movement vs. force.  Awareness is the key to shifting the movement and breathing habits that can contribute to symptoms. With awareness, symptoms can change.


How do I start? At Elevation Physiotherapy, we work closely with a trained yoga instructor to develop a program that can be a part of your own injury recoverySpeak with your Physiotherapist to see if yoga sessions could be helpful for you.  If you are still working with your Physiotherapist, it is possible that your yoga session(s) could be covered under your Physiotherapy benefits.

The McKenzie System is Comprehensive for People with Spinal Pain

I’ve spoken about the McKenzie system before– see here.  It is one of the most researched areas within physiotherapy, and I have summarized a great article by Stephen May and Richard Rosedale, where over 50 clinicians from 15 different countries assessed and treated over 750 patients who had spinal pain.

Data was analyzed for several variables:

  1. Spinal area- lumbar, thoracic, cervical
  2. Syndrome Classification- Derangement, Dysfunction, Postural or OTHER subgroups
  3. Stability of classification from initial assessment to discharge- Yes/ No
  4. Number of treatment sessions
  5. Loading strategy, if appropriate- extension, flexion, lateral

Main Results:  Over 64% of patients had lumbar pain and were classified predominantly as having a derangement (75.3%).  The predominant directional preference was extension (82.5%), followed by the lateral principle at 12.9%. The stability of the classification to remain the same from initial assessment through discharge was 85%.  In the 15% who altered their classification, no details were given on how the classification changed. Almost 23% of patients were classified as one of the McKenzie OTHER subgroups, with Mechanically Inconclusive (6.7%) or Mechanically Unresponsive Radicular Syndrome (6.0%) being most common, and the rest representing seven OTHER subgroups.  Fifty-five percent of patients were seen in four sessions or less; with a mean number of sessions of 4.9.

Conclusions: This might sound confusing, but for those clinicians who treat people with back pain, it confirms previous studies’ results in classifying patients with a derangement about 75% of the time, and establishes that the majority are extension responders. Once people can be classified into a group of similar responders, there is a clear path on how to treat this pain effectively and efficiently.

If you have been struggling with back pain, have a thorough assessment from a clinician who is Credentialed in the McKenzie System of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT).  You can find one in your area here.

Are You Set to Ski this Winter? START NOW!

The season is fast approaching, and whether your interest is downhill or cross-country skiing, you should put in some preparation to ensure that your body is ready when the snow falls.  Injury prevention when skiing involves more than just physical strength:  one has to be mentally prepared and of course, ensure that the equipment is well-maintained.

Physical components of ski fitness involve cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, strength training and balance skills.  If your legs get tired quickly, you increase the risk of falling after skiing only a few runs.  Evidence has shown that ski injuries are most likely to occur in the late morning or late afternoon after people have been on the hills/trails for a few hours.  The most common injuries are to the knees (20-32%) or thumbs (17-25%).

Here are 3 tips: Continue reading

LeBron James rocks a lumbar roll– maybe you should too.

Having a firm roll to support the natural curve in the lower back is a key way to prevent slouching in essentially any kind of chair.  Use it by keeping your butt close to the back, and pushing the roll down as far as it will go, then just relax back around it.  Initially it might feel intrusive since you aren’t sued to it, but it’s a feel you’ll come to love!


At Elevation Physiotherapy & Wellness, we love the lumbar roll!  Learn more here

Managing “Texting Thumb”

So many people are using their phone, iPad or other devices so often through the day, and it can lead over time to soreness in the tendons of the thumb due to overuse.  This article from The Globe and Mail outlines a few thoughts on managing this pain, and different tactics to try with your devices.  If pain is ongoing, it is best to check in with your Physiotherapist, like the great ones at Elevation Physiotherapy, to assess your individual problem and customize the correct exercises or movements to help you get better.https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/article-how-do-i-manage-the-pain-of-texting-thumb/

How Do I Work my Pelvic Floor Muscles?

The pelvic floor group of muscles act like any other muscle in your body, and they take consistent work to make them stronger and get them flexible.  It is important that they get regular use, and you have to train your brain to know how to contract the pelvic floor muscles properly and build endurance and control.

A proper pelvic floor contraction, or a Kegel, is a lift:  imagine a marble sitting outside your vagina and you want to just bring it inside.


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Where are the Pelvic Floor Muscles?

The group of muscles that make up the base of your core are collectively called the pelvic floor.  They are muscles like every other muscle in your body, they are just inside, so most people don’t give them any thought until they start to have a problem, like leaking(incontinence) or when the bladder or uterus starts to descend (pelvic organ prolapse).

People often hear that they should strengthen the pelvic floor, but either don’t even know what muscles are involved, or if they are able to work them properly.  Let’s break it down:

This is the view of the pelvic floor muscles if looking from below; at the top, there is the urethra (the hole where urine comes out), then the vagina, and at the bottom, the anus.  The pelvic floor muscles sling from the pubic bone on the front to the tailbone at the back, and also can wrap around the vagina and anus.  Together they act as support for the base of the core and trunk, and stability as they attach to the bones of the pelvis, spine and hips.  When the muscles contract, they behave like a sphincter to affect the vagina or anus, and can also help pump lymph through the system to prevent pooling at the pelvis.

So now that you know where they are anatomically, how do you locate these muscles?  Both men and women can do this in the same way.

  1. Sit or lie down and keep all of your muscles relaxed.  It is often easier for people to identify these muscles if they are lying down to start.
  2. Squeeze the muscles around the back aspect of your pelvic floor as if you are trying to stop passing wind, then relax them. Try this several times until you are sure that you are contracting the right muscles, and don’t squeeze your buttock muscles—they should stay relaxed.
  3. When sitting on the toilet to urinate, try to stop the stream, then start it again. You can try this to learn the right muscles to engage, but do not train this way or do it often, as it can mess with the reflexes between your bladder and pelvic floor muscles.  It’s a good technique to understand the proper contraction of the pelvic floor (it should feel like a lift in your vagina or scrotum), but continue to practice this Kegel exercise while not urinating!
  4. If you don’t feel a distinct “squeeze and lift” through your pelvic floor muscles, it’s time to contact your doctor, or better yet, a physiotherapist who is specially trained in working with your pelvic floor


Strength Training

No one has ever told me that they feel they have injured their (fill in the blank here) because they are too strong.  I agree with this article in The Globe and Mail on two tenets of strength training.

I would also emphasize that form is important, and breathing is even more important, especially with core work.  Ideally with every exercise you want to perform a core breath, which is actively engaging the pelvic floor muscles as you exhale.  This manages the increase in abdominal pressure as you are working your core muscles, and prevents that pressure from being forced downward to your pelvic floor muscles.

Core Breath: why this postpartum breathing technique is important for everyone

Breathing is under-rated.  People who lift weights understand that it is important to breath when actually lifting the weight, since holding your breath can increase blood pressure or potentially cause a hernia.  It is important to breath with exertion to control the increase in abdominal pressure that happens.

Women who work with a pelvic health physiotherapist after they have given birth learn to master core breathing, which is the same exhalation with exertion, but adding a pelvic floor muscle contraction with every exhale.

“Core Breathing” is using your breath when you properly contract your pelvic floor muscles with movement.  You want to inhale, expand your belly and relax your pelvic floor, then when you exhale, lift and engage your pelvic floor muscles.

Try these two exercises:

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