One Minute Wellness: Part 3- Body Weight Exercises
Here are a few exercises you can do with your own body and gravity– you can load up a backpack if you want a bit more weight, but it sure isn’t necessary to make these moves challenging!
Here are a few exercises you can do with your own body and gravity– you can load up a backpack if you want a bit more weight, but it sure isn’t necessary to make these moves challenging!
Try these 4 movements you can do with your body weight and a set of stairs!
Only have a few minutes and want to try some body weight exercises at home? Try these to work your core!
As adults, we live in the forward plane– walking, running, buking, stairs– they all keep us moving in one direction, and we never move laterally (side to side) or rotations, and our bodies are meant to move in ALL directions. It’s no wonder we tend to get stiffer as we get older– you aren’t going […]
The pelvic floor group of muscles work like every other muscle in your body, but are generally ignored until someone has an issue! Here’s how to make sure you’re engaging (and releasing!) properly.
This recent study looks at static stretching, specifically the sit-and-reach test. The argument has always been that hamstring flexibility is important to activities of daily living and sports performance, and the American College of Sports Medicine currently recommends 2-4 repetitions of multiple stretches a day. This author feels there should be decreased emphasis on stretching […]
In life, we look down all of the time– our hands are in front of us and we are constantly looking down at what our hands are doing, right? Over time, your neck might become sore, and here is a nice exercise to help counteract that. Ideally, this neck movement should feel like nothing… really. […]
This unprecedented time of COVID-19 has many of us working from home, going out less, driving less… basically everything is “less”… except sitting. Most of us are sitting around the house like never before, and most people will be slouching for long periods. Over time, this can put your lower back in a less-than-happy place, […]
During this crazy time of COVID-19, Elevation Physiotherapy & Wellness is closed with so many other businesses, and people are at home. Since it is not normal life, many people are probably sitting even more than normally. Research shows that it’s best to keep moving around when you’re sitting and change up your position regularly, […]
Backpacks can be an excellent way to carry books, binders, lunch, running shoes and other items for school or recreation, but they can be a source of temporary discomfort or eventually serious soreness. Very heavy or improperly worn backpacks can lead to poor posture, cause stress on the soft tissue in your neck and back […]